
E-Com Group of Companies (here known as "E-COM") have been committed to develop and provide educational contents (both printed and digital media), interactive teaching and learning platforms, as well as educational mobile applications and other digital media applications. Our educational brand "Zhi Shi Bao"、"Etutor"、"Success", have a good reputation, visibility and influence in Singapore.

Chee Sze Poh Press, E-COM's most well-known subsidiary, was established in Singapore in 1965, and has been actively involved in the Singapore educational sector for over 50 years. The promising history of three magazines could be recognized by generations of Singaporeans who have been accompanied since its existence during their growth.

Since launching Singapore's first Chinese comprehensive e-learning portal for primary schools "ezhishi.net" in 2001, E-COM companies keeps up with development trend in using digital technology for language teaching and learning. Established "Etutor" brand, E-COM companies have produced a series of educational products and services such as Etutorlearning.com portal, eChinese Animated Magazine, Etutor iClass mobile apps (both IOS & Android), EtutorStar Learning Pen and Audio book series and others. Our student magazines: Zhi Shi Bao, Zhi Shi Hua Bao, Hao Peng You / New Friends, New World, New Express have been the most influential student Chinese educational magazines in Singapore.

E-COM is the market leader for educational content developer and provider in Singapore. Our educational products have even reached out to several South East Asia countries, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong SAR, China mainland and US public schools. Our responsibility for society is rooted in our hearts as we strive to be a centre of excellent for supplementary education. It is our belief to research about new learning technologies, exploiting the learning potential of ICT, Innovative learning tools and methods, and share our knowledge, experience and nurturing established relationships with community organizations, council and schools.

For many years, E-COM cooperates and work closely with schools, education authorities and private sectors, such as Singapore Ministry of Education, a large numbers of Singapore government primary schools, National Institute of Education, Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, Confucius Institute Online / Hanban (China), and many more. Our highly specialized team, quality products, outstanding service, excellent cooperation are well recognized by our clients and partners.

Our vision is to be the leader for Bilingual educational contents and services provider in global market.



艺通控股子公司,包括知识报社、艺通数码、艺通传媒,艺通教育,艺通出版(下面简称艺通公司)。艺通公司于2001年运营新加坡第一个线上华文学习平台——知识网,接着创建Etutor教育品牌,与时并进,不断进取,引领新加坡教育信息应用趋势,不断加强公司在新加坡教育市场的领先地位。所开发的数码教材和线上教学管理平台,在新加坡全国范围小学学校成功服务十多年,形成一套完善的线上教材开发、应用与教学管理系统;所出版制作的,包括印刷版学生刊物,中、英双语辅助教材、电子数码教材、Etutorlearning.com网上学堂、易•华文动画周刊、EtutorStar易笔通学习笔及有声书系列、Etutor iClass 移动学习应用等,获得学校、学生和家长的好评及踊跃订阅,在东南亚各地、美国等国家同样受到欢迎,海外订户包括美国公立小学。

艺通公司拥有专业的富有经验的线上线下教育内容、产品、服务,以及线上教育平台开发制作团队。多年来为众多教育机构、学校提供各种传统及电子教学项目开发制作服务,客户包括新加坡教育部、大量新加坡政府小学、新加坡国立教育学院、新加坡华文教研中心、李光耀双语基金、新加坡福建会馆、中国汉办/ 孔子学院(远程)等。专业团队、优秀品质、良好服务、愉快合作深获学校老师的好评与肯定。


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